Natural Caffeine, Morning Edition

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sorry, it just doesn't seem to be working out between us. Our relationship just wasn't meant to be. 

I'm talking about my relationship with coffee. 

I'm fine drinking a nice cold Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappucino or a cold Chai Tea Latte, but can we really consider that coffee, or is that just a sugary drink?

What I'm talking about are the cups of Americano or even iced coffee. 

In high school, I used to be a horrible procrastinator, spending multiple nights cramming in homework or studying for a test. I would always drink Starbucks' Iced Coffee that were sold in a glass bottle. After school, I'd come home with a horrible stomache ache, and multiple trips to the bathroom. In college, I learned nothing and continued to do the same thing, but this time I drank the McDonald Iced Coffee. Let's just say I ended up having a caffeine induced panic attack during a discussion, and the trauma of that incident has not left me. Even recently, when I had to work overnight, I decided to give the Starbucks Iced Coffee in a glass one more chance, and the next thing I know is that I'm a bed ridden woman running to the restroom to throw up every ounce of my stomache. 

Honestly, there may have been many different factors to why I experienced such traumatic moments after drinking coffee, especially because well... it's Starbucks and McDonalds; not the best high quality coffee to test. However, since I associate coffee with my bodily breakdowns, I tend to stray away from coffee or anything related to coffee (except of course those sugary drinks). 

Thus, I have been on my search to find something I can drink to give me my much needed caffeine during the mornings that I struggle to stay up. 

Recently, I've been enjoying tea as a natural caffeine provider. My current tea favorite is Mighty Leaf. I am in LOVE with their teas and their packaging, as the tea pouches seems to be made so that we can experience the best quality of tea. 

Here is an exerpt from Mighty Leaf's FAQ page:

What is your tea pouch made of?
Our tea pouches are made from polylactic acid (PLA), which is derived entirely from renewable resources, such as corn.

Are the tea pouches compostable?  Mighty Leaf Tea Pouches are crafted from polylatic acid (PLA), which is dervied entirely from renewable resource, such as corn. Our pouches compost in a commercial composting facility. Please check to make sure facilities are available in your area. The string and tag are also compostable and do not need to be removed before discarding.  

"Renewable resources"

Another plus in my book of teas!

I will admit, I am a Gold member at Starbucks. 

Yes, you heard me. 

I am notorious for getting a "Grande Vanilla Bean Frappucino with two pumps of raspberry."

However, perhaps it's time to reduce my sugary drink intakes, and focus more on natural caffeine and beverages. 

Tea Tea Tea, be in my tummy :) 


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